Innovation Workshop
Innovation Award Jury
Lego Serious Play
Landscape kit
Unilever Disruptive Design Studio
Lego Serious Play
Team identity model
Unilever Disruptive Design Studio
LEF Future Center Rijkswaterstaat
World Café
Unilever Packaging Strategy Workshop
Idea generation

Why work with Nel?
As a qualified (online) facilitator, I am all-round and internationally well-experienced. My work methods are structured yet creative. As your facilitator I am reliable, to-the-point and social.
Winner Silver Facilitation Impact Award 2017.

The making of creativity
Discover how to measure creativity in your organisation. Because, if you can measure it, you can manage it. And if you can manage it, you can make it happen. The ‘Making of creativity’ in your organisation empowers innovation to happen! For Dutch viewers: view my ‘4 minutes of fame’ about this topic in the programme ‘Ondernemend Nederland’ on RTL7.
I will hand you the tools and methods that are required for a constructive process to achieve the goal of your workshop.
Are you about to start a new project? As your facilitator, I will guide your multi-functional team through the kick-off of this project. During a one or two-day workshop, we identify the goal/targetof the project, the members of the team, determine the stakeholders, the possible risks and action points. And because easy reminders of things […]
Read MoreWith over 40 creativity techniques, I will facilitate your team in a most creative and effective way to generate ideas during creativity sessions. Ideas for new products or services, marketing plans, solutions on technical issues or cost-savings proposals. In addition, I monitor the selection of ideas and formulate the following steps that need to be […]
Read MoreIn order to achieve synergy, you will require a well-functioning team. I facilitate workshops where different team members have the opportunity to get to know each other, where there is room for possible conflicts to be resolved and to determine the common goal of the team. We use teambuilding activities and team tests (Belbin) to […]
Read MoreOther types of sessions are for example Personal Growth, Co-creation, Networking, Strategy, etc. If for example there are changes to a company due to different reasons, such as merger, reorganisation or repositioning, it is impossible to switch over to a complete new model overnight. During a strategy session, you will first determine the fundamental components, […]
Read MoreLego Serious Play
The Lego Serious Play method is an innovative process designed to enhance innovation and business performance.

Conference closure with Lego Serious Play
We used the Lego Serious Play method at the closure of the Bridge2Food 11th Food Proteins Course 2016 with 100 scientists to facilitate them to stay connected with each other after the Conference. 99% of the participants had never heard about the Lego Serious Play method, and were happy learn about this new method. This […]
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Lego Serious Play; How plastic elephants transform into a symbol of Respect
“These are only plastic bricks!” our trainer Michel Cloosterman shouts at us whilst we are in a fierce discussion about the next move of our team. We are all facilitators in Day 4 of our facilitation training for the Lego Serious Play method. And although we are not a real team, the method does make […]
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Career planning using Lego Serious Play
“I want an employer who allows me to ‘fly away’ now and then”; is how one of the participants sees her future career. A team of trainees joined a Lego Serious Play workshop at the LEF Future Center of Rijkswaterstaat (NL). It delivered great insights into their personal career growth path as well as they […]
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The 6 competencies of facilitators visualized using Lego Serious Play method
This article shows how the 6 core competencies of a facilitator are visualized using the Lego Serious Play method. The 6 competencies are part of the IAF – International Association of Facilitators assessment process. At the Lego Serious Play day of 23 May 2017 at Eindhoven (The Netherlands) I facilitated a workshop to share the […]
Read MoreNetwork
I belong to a multitude of networks with colleagues and companies in the area of facilitation and training.
As accomplished facilitators, we facilitate your workshops with success. Together with Antoinette Middeldorp, we are the Facilitator Divas. With each our own area of expertise, we offer you an integrated package to shape your meetings in order to achieve optimal results. For every thinkable issue, we are able to offer a customised package of intervention […]
Read MoreAs an expert in the area of brainstorming I gladly participate in your brainstorm. After facilitating over 300 brainstorms, I am the ideal participant for your brainstorm, because I know many creative tricks to generate new ideas.
Read MoreSince 2017 I am trainer with the Facilitation Academy. We provide training for learning journeys, workshops and coaching for all who lead or facilitate workshops with the aim to get the best out of the workshops, meetings, conferences or other type of get-to-gethers. A common theme in our training is the I, WE and IT […]
Read MoreFACgenoten are professional facilitators specialized in workshops for Rijkswaterstaat (LEF Future Center), but available for any workshop you need to be facilitated.
Read MoreInteresting

8 tips to get people moving in meetings
These 8 tips show how to get people moving in meetings and gives insights how this relates to team dynamics and leadership styles. The 8 tips are written from my role a facilitator point of view. Tip 1 – Stand up for opening and closure This tip is the easiest one. At introduction, ask […]
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10 tips to do introduction rounds
As a facilitator it is my responsibility to properly start a meeting. One of the things to do is the introduction round. On the one hand nobody seems to like it, because they don’t like to be in the middle of the attention and sometimes they are so occupied with ‘what to say’ that […]
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A new tool to prioritize ideas in brainstorms
Recently I facilitated a workshop with students working in the Disruptive Design Studio of Unilever R&D Vlaardingen (NL). Their assignment was to think of a new product. While designing the brainstorm we thought of a new tool to prioritize ideas. This tool worked well and looked fantastic too; we called it ‘the Spiderweb’. Let me […]
Read MoreTraining
Next to facilitation I designed a number of training based on practice. All of them are highly interactive, hands-on learning by doing.
Project Management in 5 easy & effective steps applied to your project.
Read MoreCreativity as the key source of ideas or as the foundation of your corporate culture.
Read MoreNext to Facilitation Skills, Project Management and Creativity training, I offer a selection of training opportunities developed from practice to be applied to your daily practice: Make your meetings interactie and fun Communication skills Presentation skills Time management
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