With over 40 creativity techniques, I will facilitate your team in a most creative and effective way to generate ideas during creativity sessions. Ideas for new products or services, marketing plans, solutions on technical issues or cost-savings proposals. In addition, I monitor the selection of ideas and formulate the following steps that need to be taken.
Below please find a selection of various creativity and innovation workshops, and a list of my publications on Creativity.
The making of creativity
‘The making of creativity’ is a practical programme aimed at measuring and building strong foundations for creativity and innovation in your organisation. Where are opportunities, where do you miss chances? Discover how to measure creativity. Because, if you can measure it, you can manage it. And if you can manage it, you can make it happen. The making of creativity in your organisation!
This programme gives you insights in 4 steps, where you and your colleagues are going to pursue where to find creativity, and maybe find easy ways to manage it to make it happen.
It focusses on 4 different levels in your organisation, starting from a organisation-wide view and focussing down to product innovation. The 4 levels are: 1) organisation, 2) culture, 3) innovatie areas an 4) product innovation.
My LinkedIn article (in Dutch) gives more information on content of the programme . https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/de-maakbaarheid-van-creativiteit-nel-mostert/
Unilever Packaging Strategy
In Italy, Casalpusterlengo, I facilitated a Unilever Packaging Strategy workshop where the participants generated ideas for sustainable packaging routes after several stimulating presentations. The ideas were prioritized using a Value/Complexity matrix, after which project briefs were written for the key ideas. Next step is to allocate time and resources to make it happen. (2017)
Living Museum of Municipality of Zoetermeer
Municipality of Zoetermeer invited its inhabitants to take part in thinking about topics for the new Living museum during a facilitated brainstorm. Willianne Bovens and me facilitated this meeting where we let the participants think about topics for the museum. In groups, the participants had to build their exhibition. It was great to see that citizens built mini-exhibitions on intriguing topics as ‘ death ‘, ‘ games ‘, ‘ life ‘ and ‘ school ‘. (2017)
Unilever Disruptive Design Studio brainstorms
Unilever R&D Vlaardingen hosts a Disruptive Design Studio where students of TU Delft Industrial Design Engineering (Master) solve long-existing topics in the area of R&D, Packaging and/or Marketing.
Teams of 6 students spend 20 weeks on a case. Often these students need a brainstorm for which since 2013 I am asked to help the student teams to organize and facilitate these brainstorms. (2013-2017)
How to continue with our IPMA PPMO conference?
A team of 5 organizers of IPMA Project Management conferences increasingly witnessed that the target group of Project Leaders was outnumbered by the many Consultants hoping to find clients. They asked me to facilitate a meeting with the objective to find an innovative way forward for their Conference. An agenda was designed to make sure to keep the good aspects, and loose the energy-draining aspects of the Conferences. I facilitated the workshop and made sure all individuals were heard, many ideas were generated, and a way forward was defined with commitment from all team members. (2016)
Creativity for FIOD project leaders
The FIOD Tax Fraud Department in The Netherlands organised 2 trainings ‘Creativity for FIOD project leaders’.
I delivered the interactive training to the project leader by giving insights in how to achieve a creative culture and how to apply creativity techniques in their work.
This was done by discussing triggering statements, presenting theoretical background and interactive team characteristics games, exercises in using creativity techniques and ‘identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for creativity. (2014-2016)
University of Maastricht brainstorm on Neurotechnology
In collaboration with Unilever, the University of Maastricht organized a brainstorm to identify innovative projects for ‘Neurotechology for Decision Making in the Real World’.
With a combined team we spent 2 days with presentations, brainstorming and discussions, which resulted in a selection of identified promising routes to move forward. (2016)
LEF Future Center Rijkswaterstaat & Cadastre – ID in a Day
At the LEF Future Center of Rijkswaterstaat I facilitated a brainstorm ‘ID in a day’ for the Cadastre who invited 22 students to apply the Cadastre Big Data to generate ideas for 3 topics: National Disaster Relief, Fighting Terrorism, Improvement of your living environment. The day resulted in a Jury giving the best idea a reward. (2015)
Publications on Creativity
Belbin, the way forward for innovation teams. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, Vol. 1, 2015.
Click here ->
New Product Development – Diverging conversations through facilitation– 24 cases, pages 74-77, 2014.
Click here ->
Measuring creativity – How to measure creativity on 8 different levels in your organization, Journal: HRM Review – The ICFAI University Press, Published by EN Murthy on behalf of the ICFAI University Press in India, Volume VIII, Issue XII, December 2008.
Click here >
Diversity of the mind as the key to successful creativity at Unilever, Journal: Creativity and Innovation Management, Published by Blackwell Publishing, Peer reviewed, Volume 16, nr. 1, Feb 2007.
Click here >
Creativity, the knowledge connector, Book: Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques, Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM solutions, pagina 255-270, ISBN 0-7506-7818-6, Published by Elsevier by Mr. Madan Mohan Rao of Tata McGraw-Hill, 15 October 2004.
Click here >
Creativity in organizations can be measured and acquired, Paper: Chemical Innovation, Published by American Chemical Society, Volume 31, no. 11, November 2001.
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