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Projectmanagement training

Project Management in 5 easy & effective  steps applied to your project.

Project Management training

This course is aimed on teaching project leaders and project teams how to properly kick off a project.We will implement 5 methods that should be discussed during any project’s kick-off: 1) how to define the goal of the project in a correct way, 2) how to set up the team, 3) how to determine the stakeholders, 4) how to map possible risks and 5) how to draft up a project plan. This may seem very simple, but it can be quite a challenge when put into practice.

We will use the ways of working of HANDy© Project Management.

Depending on the desired results and the available circumstances, this type of training can be organised from half a day to a one-day course, to a 2,5 day course for multiple project teams.

Below a selection of various Project Management training:

Example: Unilever Foods Project Management Training

In Turkey Istanbul I delivered a Project Management training to Unilever Foods teams. Next to serious project work on key PM tools applied to real projects, we enjoyed fun team development exercises. An evaluation score of 9.1 was given by the participants. Are you looking for an in-depth and applied Project Management training for your teams? Contact me, I’m happy to deliver a serious & enjoyable training where they will learn to apply key PM tools to their projects aiming for On Time In Full launch. (2017)

Unilever 3 days Project Management training

I delivered 5 times a 3-days Project Management training for Unilever teams in Singapore (2x), Dubai, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Each training had 25-40 participants of 4-5 actual project teams who applied the PM techniques directly to their own project. This is a proven concept (Nel delivered this training over 50 times)  and a highly successful training. In fact, the participating teams do not consider this as a ‘training’, instead they consider it a 3-day intense project working experience. (2015)



Sophia Child Hospital 1/2 day Project Management training

A similar training is delivered in half-day workshops for managers and doctors of Sophia Revalidatie (The Hague a.e.). The participants appreciate the practical application of the PM theories applied to their own projects (2016-2017).



Project kick-off facilitator

After this trianing the participants has the knowledge and hands-on experience to facilitate project kick-off workshops. It is a highly hands-on training where local project leaders and projects are involved (and benefit from it!).

Barry Callebaut kick-off facilitators

In order to keep momentum and support for all project kick-off workshops at Global R&D Barry Callebaut, Belgium, Nel Mostert trained 4 facilitators in the art of facilitating a project kick-off workshop. After an intense training schedule which includes co-facilitating in 3 workshops, these 4 internal facilitators have the knowledge and experience to organize and facilitate  kick-off workshops.
This training was specially designed for Barry Callebaut and was executed 2x (in 2015 and 2016).


Risk management

The training Risk Management shows project leaders and team managers how to identify and map project risks. A checklist will provide an overview of possible risks to think about, to make sure to be complete in the identification of risks. A further investigation tool of the most important risks is used, after which next step will show how a Risk Management Plan should be set up.

Barry Callebaut Risk Management training

For Barry Callebaut Global R&D Project Leaders  a 1/2 day training on Risk Management was given. This allows the Project Leaders to become even more professional in executing their projects. (2015)


This training shows you how to identify stakeholders, which is one of the key areas in proper project management. A Stakeholder Communication Plan identifies who to communicate with, and how.

Barry Callebaut Stakeholder Management training

Specifically for Barry Callebaut Global R&D Project Leaders  a 1/2 day training on Stakeholder Management was given. This allows the Project Leaders to become even more professional in executing their projects. (2015)



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