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Other training

Next to Facilitation Skills, Project Management and Creativity training, I offer a selection of training opportunities developed from practice to be applied to your daily practice:

  • Make your meetings interactie and fun
  • Communication skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Time management

Make your meetings interactive and fun

Example: World Wildlife Fund

The WWF World Wildlife Fund in Zeist-The Netherlands
organized a 2 hr session for their volunteers to   learn how to apply new ways to structure their meetings. I shared a variety of meeting techniques the volunteers can use in meetings, like: scrum, flipchart carroussel, each teach, BOBBIE, 5WH’s, Evaluation.  I conducted this training on behalf of ‘Het Nieuwe Werkoverleg‘ (2017)



I specifically liked the fact that they organized my own car parking sign!

This type of training I am happy to deliver to your teams or managers.



Communication Skills

This is a two day course, where we focus on universal communication. How to give and receive compliments, feedback, non-verbal communication, read between the lines, assertiveness and more. The second day we will concentrate on communication at work; your relationship with your boss, your colleagues and your customers: how to say ‘No’, your attitude, how to deal with peer pressure etc.

Example: Fluor 2-day Communication Skills techniques

For several years, I have been giving 2 day courses to junior employees at Fluor as part of their introductory training.


Presentation skills

This is an interactive, two-day course on how to give proper presentations. You will learn how to compose a good presentation but also get feedback on your posture, tone of voice and attitude when giving a presentation. There will be a lot of hands-on practice over the course of the days. You will be required to give short presentations until you are fully comfortable in doing this. This course not only teaches you how to fully relax prior to a presentation but will also give you personalised tips on how to improve your presentation skills.

Time Management

In 1/2 day training where you will learn how to manage your valuable time. It encourages participants to think about: “What is truly important to me?”

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